Materials Characterization
Examples of labs within the Institute capable of material characterization and imaging.
Arkansas Nano & Bio Materials Characterization Facility

Arkansas Electrical Characterization Laboratory
We focus on the electron scattering phenomena which determine conductivity, the lateral coupling between nanowires through tunneling and hopping, weak localization and electron-electron scattering, anti-weak localization effects and spin-orbit coupling in one-dimensional self-organized nanostructures. Please email Dr. Y. Mazur for more information.

Terahertz Imaging and Spectroscopy
Terahertz technology provides the non-destructive and rapid characterization of coating materials that will impact automobile, aircraft, food, pharmaceutical, semiconductor, and solar photovoltaic energy industry. The capability of terahertz medical imaging will advance oral health care and skin and breast cancer detection and treatment. Terahertz technology provides safe imaging and screening that will advance the identification of hidden explosives and personnel screening at airports and mail screening for bio-threats, which will impact national security.
Please email Dr. M. El-Shenawee for more information.